Tuesday 25 November 2014

Naughty christmas Messages


  • Teacher: What is the first month?
    Student: January
    Teacher: What is the second month?
    Student: February
    Teacher: What is the tenth month?
    Student: Delivery
    Merry Christmas To every one
  • I know its not Christmas, but Santa's lap is always ready.
  • Sometimes I wish I was a bird:
    I would fly over certain people and shit on their heads.
  •  What’s the difference between snowmen and snow women?…. SNOWBALLS
  • Why doesn’t Santa have any children?
    He only comes one a year, and that’s down the chimney.
  • Teacher: What does the Christmas tree stand for?
    Student: It would take too much room lying down.
  • Hey Santa, how much for your list of naughty girls?
  • How do u teach a blonde maths?
    U subtract her chlothes
    Devide her legs
    And square root her.
  • Boy I better get started
    shopping for Christmas!
    It is only 5 months away..
  • Last year I asked Santa for the sexiest person ever for Christmas…I woke up in a box.

Monday 10 November 2014

New Xmas jokes for Adults

  • How do you know Santa Claus has to be a man?
    No woman is going to wear the same outfit year after year!
  • I never believed in Santa Claus because I knew no white dude would come into my neighborhood after dark.
  • Q: What's the difference between snowmen and snow ladies? A: Snowballs.
  • Why doesn't Santa have any children? He only comes one a year, and that’s down the chimney.
  • Father Christmas wins a saucepan in a competition. Now that’s what you call pot luck!
  • Closets also had a lot of fun during Christmas Eve celebration instead of boring asses they saw a lot of new faces.
  • Q. What happened when Guy ate the Christmas decorations?
  • A. He went down with tinsel-itis.
  • I always get my loved ones petrol soaked fake mustaches for Christmas. It’s such a joy to watch their faces light up!
  • What does the Queen call her Christmas Broadcast?
  • The One Show.